Banjo & Kazooie

Open Mic at the Nicollet

The Nicollet is a small coffee house at the intersection of Nicollet and Franklin Avenues. We host an Open mic every Monday from 6-9:30 for many talented performers of all ages and walks of life. Last week we had Didgeridoo, Irish tunes, Folk music, Beat Boxing, Spoken Work, Tuvan Throat Singing, Jazz, Latin Jazz, Blues, […]

Bubblegloop Swamp

Frogs croak, greeting Banjo and Kazooie to Bubblegloop Swamp. It didn’t take me long to notice that the croaks were pitched to fit the music. Different lengths and frequencies of frog croak are continuously involved in the music of the level. The music is lead by a marimba and features horns, an accordion, and a […]

Clanker’s Cavern

World 3 in Banjo-Kazooie is Clanker’s Cavern. I am beginning to notice that the music in the game revolves around a central theme: the instruments change to fit the mood while the song they play remains relatively unchanged. In Clanker’s Cavern the music is played by a tuba filling out the low-end, an accordion on […]

Treasure Trove Cove

The second world in Banjo & Kazooie is called Treasure Trove Cove. Having just filled in the puzzle that unlocks the world, I notice that the music has become more sea-faring: dual accordions comprise the music in the area immediately surrounding the puzzle. Immediately inside the level, vibraphone and steel drums lead the music. The theme is similar to that of the […]

Mumbo’s Mountain Music

Banjo & Kazooie is a Nintendo 64 game. You are Banjo and Kazooie, and the goal of the game is to get Banjo’s sister Tooty back. Tooty was kidnapped by the evil which Gruntilda, who aims to swap quality of looks and be beautiful. When I first played this game, I was over joyed at […]