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About Songs from Society’s Underbelly

This past Thursday the 24th, I released my first full length studio album titled Songs from Society’s Underbelly. Songs from Society’s Underbelly covers several genres including, Bluegrass, Hip Hop, Folk, and Eastern Indian Classical music. It was recorded and mixed at The Pad home studio using Ableton Live, and it was mastered in Logic. It was a 5 month-long production process involving several hard-working contributors, producers, artists, and musicians.


Songs from Society’s Underbelly is laid out as a concept album, using many short stories to paint one large concept – the abolition of low self-esteem. Intensifying in musical energy and in personal connection to the song content, SfSU builds until it reaches a breaking point, like a life being destroyed hits rock bottom. There is more album after the breaking point, just like life can go on after hitting rock bottom.

An optional add-on to the album is a book of SfSU themed poetry. Nine poems work with the album to convey the build up of tensions leading up to a snap, and then a solution that inspires hope. The whole booklet is the same size as a CD case, and contains poems named after the songs on the album.

Songs from Society’s Underbelly is available online from Bandcamp for 7$ and physical copies are available through Andy Joseph for 8$. The physical copy includes a professionally labeled CD and Printed CD Insert with song titles, artwork and credits.

~Personal Note~
Songs from Society’s Underbelly was made with the intention of reaching out to people who live battered lives. While everyone will enjoy the music, people who identify with the themes and concepts described above are the target audience. The goal is to portray a life that can be fixed, an illness that can be cured. This life is precious and fragile, and nothing can destroy a life faster and more completely than the person who is in control of that life.

One comment on “About Songs from Society’s Underbelly

  1. […] follow-up album, Karma con Carné. Set to be released in October, Karma con Carné picks up where Songs from Society’s Underbelly left off – life in […]

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